Publication design

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polk gulch

- november 2020 -

The goal of this project was to design a cover story about typography found in the neighborhood I live in for a magazine. All photographs were taken by me in the Polk Gulch in the city of San Francisco, and they were incorporated into my minimalistic design using Adobe Indesign.


History of Typography + Cinema

- may 2021 -

"History of Typography + Cinema" is a project that showcases my love for both design and film. This publication design was based off of a research project done in Advance Typography class about history of typography in cinema, and the goal was to design a cover page, table of contents, and opener, and two spreads using Indesign.


probably this

- may 2020 -

This project was geared toward designing an editorial spreads for a magazine, so I decided to design a cookbook spreads with some of my favorite recipes. My goal for this project was to make attractive, visually interesting, cohesive, and easy to read spreads.


skin in place

- august 2020 -

This is a quanranzine designed during the pandemic. The goal of this projects was to design an 8-page zine in a one-page fold booklet to share Nathan's own experience during shelter-in-place – hence the title being Skin in Place. One of the things Nathan did during the pandemic was changing his daily skincare routine, so he decided to share his new routine and the products he uses through zine. Skin in Place is an easy ready with lots of visuals and the physical copy of this zine is available at  the University of San Francisco (Gleeson Library).



- may 2020 -

"Pachinko" is a reimagined cover design for a novel written by Min Jin Lee, which is currently (2021) being produced as a TV series by Apple TV+. The majority of the design aesthetic in this reimagined book cover was inspired by its story of a Korean immigrant family, as well as my cultural background as a Korean-American designer.